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Fire Station Architect montana Design

Fire Station Architect Montana

Until now the standard services for satellite stations, non permanent, replacement or transitional fire stations has normally incorporated every little thing from stressed fabric buildings, to converted individual household dwellings. Chiefs, firefighters, communities as well as managers are searching for a much better means. A lot of concur – the EXTREME Fire Station is the solution.

Here's why:

  • Fully Equipped, Industry Standard Crew Quarters & Operational Facilities with Premium Finishes
  • Big Enough and Tough Enough for Full Size Apparatus Bays
  • Steel Non-Combustible Construction
  • Professional Fire Station Architects
  • Dramatically Reduced Construction Schedule
  • As Secure as Site Built
  • Estimated 50 Year Lifespan
  • Streamlined Design and Procurement processes

Tags: design, stations, projects, news, portfolio, buildings, engineering, house.

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The package includes support by EXTREME Fire Stations (EFS) in-house architectural design team, consultants and industry experts. Working in tandem with your fire department's operational experts, consultants and community leadership, EFS develops plans that consider all key aspects of station design.

EXTREME Fire Stations have been installed in rural, urban and industrial settings. Tell us about your expectations and we're confident we can offer a solution that meets the operational needs of the department, is installed in record time, appeals to the community and shaves substantial tax dollars from the budget.

We turn most preliminary design and budget cost inquiries around in a week or less.

We love to tour folks through our manufacturing facility and around our jobsites. The first thing we usually hear is "wow, I never realized how big it was" and then "this is really cool". Most EFS projects are designed and installed within a year of the project being initiated.

We're very proud of our technology and our team and would be delighted to arrange for you to visit our plant and / or an installation.

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Service Locations

Fire Station Architect

Fire Station Design

Fire Station Consultant

Fire Station Floor Plans